IVF + Egg donation (6 thawed eggs, 1 donor)*
Medical services:
- IVF with ICSI +EGGS DONATION with the medicines cost (6 thawed eggs, 1 donor)
- Preparing of endometrium of Patient
- Medical supply of endometrium preparing in Cryoprotocol
- Vitrificated donor’s eggs (6 oocytes)
- Thawing of oocytes
- Preparation of sperm for IVF program
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
- Cultivation of embryos in IVF program, including till blastocyst stage (by needs)
- Embryos transfer (ET) in Patient`s uterus cavity in IVF program
- Cost of embryological supply of TVP
- Cost of embryological supply of ET
- Blood test on Human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG)
- Ultrasound diagnostics of pregnancy in terms up to 11th weeks
- Blood sampling
- Cryopreservation and storage of sperm during 1 year
- Vitrification of embryos
- Storage of embryos (1 year)
- Additional cryothek (*up to quantity of embryos)
- *Our medical team chooses the best donor for you according to all medical indications
Non-medical services:
- Selection of Ooctyes donor
- Selection of Sperm`s donor
- Translation of Patients` documents for Medical Center (passports, marriage certificate)
- Coordination Services of Egg Donation Program
- Free 2nd medical opinion

What is ICSI?
It is the fertilization of an egg using a sperm inside a laboratory artificially . It is for people who have problems meeting the sperm and ovum naturally e.g. severe reduction in the sperm count and quality or severe erectile problems, female blocked tubes or hormonal problems not allowing an egg to come out each month.
How is ICSI done?
- The woman is thoroughly investigated for reasons that decrease success rate or stop us from doing the operation and treated if any is found.
- An ovarian stimulation protocol is custom tailored and explained to you and started in the appropriate timing.
- Your follicle number and size and uterine lining is monitored by ultrasound and hormone testing on certain days you will be told about.
- When follicles and uterine lining reach adequate size another medicine is added to induce ovulation.
- You will be told to come to the hospital for egg pick up fasting from 6-9 hours and will be asked to bring an ID with you.
- Your eggs will be aspirated using a special needle installed on the vaginal ultrasound under sedation.
- The man’s sperm will be collected at the same time.
- The eggs are then fertilized with the male sperm and left in a special incubator which has the same atmosphere as the inside of a uterus and they are checked at a specific timetable to monitor the division of the cells.
- At a specific time embryos are replaced inside the uterus using special catheters and under supervision of ultrasound while remaining embryos are cryopreserved or disregarded.
- You will be asked to perform a pregnancy test after 14 days to know the results.
Why choose Doctor Ashraf Sabry?
Ashraf Sabry , Fertility & OBGYN Consultant & Cosmetic gynecology surgeon is the best doctor in this IVF and ICSI due to his use of latest medical recommendations in addition to his experience formed through multiple years of work and testimonials of hundreds of his patients.
now or for a consultation!
In vitro fertilization is a process of fertilization where an egg is combined with sperm outside the body. After 2~3 or 5 days of embryo culture, the fertilized egg is then transferred to the woman’s uterus. Since both egg and sperm are collected and fertilized outside of the body, it is called the in vitro. Mature embryos are usually transferred back into the uterus, it is commonly called IVF-ET. It is not only a medical treatment but also a useful evaluation tool to figure out the quality and condition of egg and sperm, fertilization ability, and development ability of embryos.
- Ovulation Induction
Ovulation induction is the stimulation of ovulation by medication to develop ovarian follicles. There are one-month-course and two-month-course, which depend on the case of each patient. Patients must stick to the doctor’s guideline. Ovulation inducing agent will be administered 2~3 days prior to period and will be continued for a week or two according to the maturity of follicles.
- Collection of Eggs and Sperm Sample
Once egg is fully mature, egg retrieval will be performed. The patient will be under sedation and complications are very rare. The process will take 20~30 minutes and the patient may need 2 hours of recovery period. For the male partner, he has to avoid intercourse for 3 days before the test. The semen should be gathered after a three day abstinence from sexual activity. He will come visit the clinic on the day of egg retrieval.
- In vitro Fertilization and Culture
After 6 to 8 hours of culture, mature oocytes are placed to be fertilized. Approximately 18 hours after the procedure, the embryologists will check for fertilization. It may take 2~3 days or up to 5 days to fully culture the sample.
- Embryo Transfer
3 days or 5 days after egg retrieval, the embryos are placed into the uterus using a thin tube. If needed, special culture medium can be used to help embryos to implant.
- Pregnancy Test
After 12 days of egg retrieval, blood test will be performed to check pregnancy.
Our dedicated and highly qualified staff attend to your chosen services from IVF treatments, to gender selection, sperm and egg donations and much more. Our high success rates, and dedication to professional and personal service is what differentiates us.

We understand that many couples now wish to have a holiday alongside their IVF treatment abroad which is why at Prime IVF we also offer special packages that include the full IVF treatment, airport transfers and accommodation ensuring you can enjoy the beautiful island of Cyprus and stay as relaxed as possible throughout the treatment cycle.
- Save 50% on your IVF treatment compared to UK
- State of the art hospital with the latest in fertility technology
- No waiting lists, book your treatment today
- High success rates and dedicated aftercare
- Assigned patient coordinator
- IVF packages including hotels and airport transfers

There are quite a number of types of IVF programs:
- IVF in the natural cycle
- IVF with hormonal stimulation
- IVF with donor oocytes
- IVF surrogacy
- IVF with NGS genetic analysis
- IVF with fresh or vitrified (frozen) embryos
The feasibility of using a particular IVF program is determined by the doctor during a detailed examination of the married couple. He also gives spouses detailed information about the nuances of a particular type of IVF.
The main stages of the IVF program are:
Diagnosis of the reproductive health of future parents of the child
Before being included in the IVF program, the couple is asked to undergo a thorough examination in order to timely detect temporary or permanent contraindications for in vitro fertilization and timely correction of these conditions. If patients come to the clinic with the latest results of all necessary examinations, this IVF program item may be reduced or eliminated. This reduces the cost of the program.
Ovulation stimulation
It is carried out with the purpose of receiving not one, as it most often happens in the natural cycle, but several eggs. During this stage, the patient is administered special drugs that stimulate follicle growth. The presence of several eggs allows the embryologist to select the best of them for further fertilization. The duration of this stage is from 10 to 14 days.
In some cases, ovulation stimulation is not performed, and the only naturally mature egg cell is punctured in a woman during ovulation. The IVF program in the natural cycle is conducted in cases where a woman does not want to expose her body to the risks associated with hormonal stimulation; if hormonal stimulation is contraindicated to her; as well as in cases where the hormonal stimulation carried out in previous IVF attempts did not produce a sufficient number of oocytes suitable for fertilization.
Puncture of follicles and obtaining oocytes
Under the control of an ultrasound machine with a very thin needle, the doctor takes a sample of mature eggs and transmits them to an embryology laboratory. This procedure is painless, as it is performed under anesthesia. The specialist assesses the degree of maturity of the eggs produced, selects for fertilization oocytes, in which a small cell is clearly visible - the polar body (such oocytes are called M 2-oocyte). All manipulations must be carried out very quickly - within 3-4 hours after the puncture the best eggs are fertilized in the laboratory using the ICSI method.
ICSI fertilization
ICSІ is an abbreviation of the English term Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Inionіon, which translates literally as “the introduction of a spermatozoon into the oocyte cytoplasm”. During fertilization of the egg by the ICSI method, the sperm cell is injected directly into the cytoplasm of the egg. Morphologically, the best and most mobile spermatozoon is chosen for fertilization. He is undergoing the procedure of immobilization and activation for the fertilization process. During the manipulation of the egg is fixed so that the injection needle does not touch the genetic apparatus of the egg.
After 16-18 hours, the effectiveness of fertilization is assessed. And if embryologists determine that the fertilization procedure was not sufficiently effective (one or three pronuclei are observed in the middle of the cell), the zygote — the so-called fertilized egg 16-18 hours after ICSI — is excluded from the IVF program. Embryologists closely monitor the development of a fertilized egg for five days. After this period, the best of the obtained embryos is either transferred to the uterus of the future woman, or, if the genetic diagnostic method NGS is used, it is cryoconserved until the results of the analysis are obtained.
Conducting NGS genetic analysis (as desired by the patient)
NGS analysis is a preimplantation genetic screening that identifies genetic pathologies of embryos. The accuracy of embryo testing for chromosomal and monogenic diseases is 99.9%. The process is fully automated, which eliminates the impact of the human factor. This analysis increases the chances of pregnancy in the IVF program on average by 2.5 times. In the ISIDA clinic, more than 25% of IVF cycles are performed using the NGS method.
Embryo transfer to the uterine cavity
This manipulation is carried out under the control of ultrasound, it does not require anesthesia.
Pregnancy diagnosis
Two weeks after the embryo is transferred to the uterus of the expectant mother, a blood test is performed at the clinic to determine the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood and to evaluate the program's performance. A positive blood test for HCG indicates that the IVF program was successful.
The final diagnosis of the onset of pregnancy occurs with an ultrasound scan 4 weeks after embryo transfer.
Further during pregnancy is no different from the usual. The use of in vitro fertilization does not affect delivery in any way.
The ISIDA clinic has developed several IVF programs. The doctor will help you to choose the most suitable for you after a thorough analysis of the anamnesis.

IVF packages rates :
The basic IVF package ranges about 414 USD which should include :
1- Ovarian stimulation ( please note that doctor visits( consultation fees ) are not included )
2- Eggs retrieval
3- sperm collection
4- Fertilization
5- Embryos transfer
Another addes items ( some are optional and some depend on the case ) :
▪️Gender selection : 260 USD (1-8 fetus)
▪️Genetic testing of embryos with gender selection 774 USD
▪️ Diagnostic hysteroscopy procedure costs around 80 USD
▪️Injectable hormones and medications vary from case to another range about 450 USD
And it may increase according to your case.
Keep in mind that prices quoted above may vary slightly based on the daily exchange rate of USD to EGP