IVF + Egg donation (3+3 thawed eggs, 2 donors)*
Medical services:
- IVF with ICSI +EGGS DONATION with the medicines cost (3+3 thawed eggs, 2 donors):
- Preparing of endometrium of Patient
- Medical supply of endometrium preparing in Cryoprotocol
- Vitrificated donor’s eggs (3+3 oocytes)
- Thawing of oocytes
- Preparation of sperm for IVF program
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
- Cultivation of embryos in IVF program, including till blastocyst stage (by needs)
- Embryos transfer (ET) in Patient`s uterus cavity in IVF program
- Cost of embryological supply of TVP
- Cost of embryological supply of ET
- Blood test on Human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG)
- Ultrasound diagnostics of pregnancy in terms up to 11th weeks
- Blood sampling
- Cryopreservation and storage of sperm during 1 year
- Vitrification of embryos
- Storage of embryos (1 year)
- Additional cryothek (*up to quantity of embryos)
* Our medical team chooses the best 2 donors for you according to all medical indications
Non-medical services:
- Selection of Ooctyes donor
- Selection of Sperm`s donor
- Translation of Patients` documents for Medical Center (passports, marriage certificate)
- Coordination Services of Egg Donation Program
- Free 2nd medical opinion

When to do egg freezing?
- Advance in age
- Delaying marriage due to social or career reasons
- Surgery in the pelvis or ovaries which might lead to reduction in ovarian reserve
- Chemotherapy or radiotherapy might lead to reduction in ovarian reserve
- Family history of premature ovarian failure
How does egg freezing happen?
- The woman is thoroughly investigated for reasons that decrease success rate or stop us from doing the operation and treated if any is found.
- An ovarian stimulation protocol is custom tailored and explained to you and started in the appropriate timing.
- Your follicle number and size and uterine lining is monitored by ultrasound and hormone testing on certain days you will be told about.
- When follicles and uterine lining reach adequate size another medicine is added to induce ovulation.
- You will be told to come to the hospital for egg pickup fasting from 6-9 hours and will be asked to bring an ID with you.
- Your eggs will be aspirated using a special needle installed on the vaginal ultrasound under sedation.
- As soon as you wake up you will be discharged to your home with some simple painkillers.
- Your eggs will be frozen in freezing tanks for years until you need them.
Why choose Doctor Ashraf Sabry?
Ashraf Sabry , Fertility & OBGYN Consultant & Cosmetic gynecology surgeon is the best doctor in egg freezing due to his use of latest medical recommendations in addition to his experience formed through multiple years of work and testimonials of hundreds of his patients.
now or for a consultation!
Kinderly a wide range of medical services that will bring the dream of becoming parents closer to reality
PGS, Pre-implantation Genetic Screening
Preimplantation genetic screening involves the use of Whole Genome Amplification and array CGH to test the overall chromosomal normalcy and select the embryo that is suitable fro IVF transfer.
- The Procedure of PGS

We understand that many couples now wish to have a holiday alongside their IVF treatment abroad which is why at Prime IVF we also offer special packages that include the full IVF treatment, airport transfers and accommodation ensuring you can enjoy the beautiful island of Cyprus and stay as relaxed as possible throughout the treatment cycle.
- Save 50% on your IVF treatment compared to UK
- State of the art hospital with the latest in fertility technology
- No waiting lists, book your treatment today
- High success rates and dedicated aftercare
- Assigned patient coordinator
- IVF packages including hotels and airport transfers
A reproductive medicine consultation is a medical appointment focused on evaluating and treating problems related to fertility and reproduction. During the consultation:
Medical History: Information about the patient's or couple's reproductive health is gathered.
Physical Exam: A pelvic exam may be performed to evaluate the health of the reproductive organs.
Recommendations: The physician discusses findings, possible treatments and next steps.

IVF packages rates :
The basic IVF package ranges about 414 USD which should include :
1- Ovarian stimulation ( please note that doctor visits( consultation fees ) are not included )
2- Eggs retrieval
3- sperm collection
4- Fertilization
5- Embryos transfer
Another addes items ( some are optional and some depend on the case ) :
▪️Gender selection : 260 USD (1-8 fetus)
▪️Genetic testing of embryos with gender selection 774 USD
▪️ Diagnostic hysteroscopy procedure costs around 80 USD
▪️Injectable hormones and medications vary from case to another range about 450 USD
And it may increase according to your case.
Keep in mind that prices quoted above may vary slightly based on the daily exchange rate of USD to EGP