Medical services:
- Ceramic Veneer IPS e.max Press
- Fixing of orthopedic construction on double polymerization cement
- Modeling Wax up
- Preparation of a tooth for orthopedic construction
- Conduction anesthesia
- Program Anti AIDS-1
- Consultation of dental surgeon
Non-medical services:
- Translation service
- Coordination service
- Follow-up
There is no better investment than a better smile........
When you need a Dental Crown?
*Severe tooth decay
*Severe wore down tooth
* Severe discoloured tooth
* Need to protect a weak tooth from breaking
* Undergone a root canal treatment
* To covert a Dental implant
*To make cosmetic modifications

What Are Zirconia Crowns?
Zirconia crowns are a type of dental crowns made from zirconium oxide, an extremely strong and durable material. In addition to its strength, zirconium oxide has an exceptional ability to mimic natural teeth, providing a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Prednosti cirkonskih krunica: Prirodni izgled: Krunice od cirkona pružaju iznimno prirodan izgled zbog svoje prozirnosti i boje. Trajnost: Cirkonijev oksid poznat je po svojoj čvrstoći, trajnosti i otpornosti na lomljenje. Ove krunice pružaju dugotrajno rješenje za obnavljanje oštećenih ili nedostajućih zuba. Biokompatibilnost: Cirkonijev oksid je biokompatibilan materijal, što znači da se dobro integrira s oralnim tkivom, smanjujući rizik od iritacije ili alergijskih reakcija. Baza bez metala: Za razliku od tradicionalnih krunica s metalnom bazom, cirkonske krunice su potpuno bez metala, eliminirajući rizik od tamnih linija duž rubova krunice.
Postupak postavljanja cirkonskih krunica: Konzultacije: Prvi korak je konzultacija sa stomatologom. Razgovarat ćete o svojim ciljevima, a stomatolog će pregledati vaše oralno zdravlje. Priprema zuba: Ako je potrebno, stomatolog će pripremiti zub za postavljanje krunice, uklanjajući sva oštećenja ili stari materijal. Uzimanje dojma: Uzimaju se precizni otisci zuba koji će se koristiti za izradu potpuno prilagođenih cirkonskih krunica. Privremena kruna: Tijekom vremena između uzimanja otisaka i postavljanja trajnih krunica, može se postaviti privremena krunica za održavanje normalne funkcije i estetike. Postavljanje krunice: Nakon što su cirkonske krunice izrađene, pažljivo se postavljaju i podešavaju kako bi se postigao savršen izgled i ugriz.
Održavanje cirkonskih krunica: Održavanje cirkonskih krunica je jednostavno i uključuje redovito četkanje, čišćenje koncem i rutinske stomatološke preglede.
Doživite osmijeh iz snova u Splitu! Cirkonske krunice u Splitu predstavljaju moderno i visoko estetsko rješenje za očuvanje i poboljšanje vašeg osmijeha. Ako tražite dugotrajno rješenje koje kombinira trajnost i prirodan izgled, cirkonske krunice mogu biti pravi izbor za vas. Posjetite nas u Splitu radi potpuno besplatne konzultacije, pregleda i neobvezujuće cijene

A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape. When a dentist gives you a filling, he or she first removes the decayed tooth material, cleans the affected area, and then fills the cleaned-out cavity with a filling material.
Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of your smile by lightening the color of your teeth. While over-the-counter products can offer some improvement, professional teeth whitening in a dental practice delivers superior results and is the recommended choice for safety and effectiveness.
Professional vs. At-Home Whitening
While it is possible to whiten your teeth at home using various products, these methods cannot match the effectiveness of professional whitening. Toothpastes and over-the-counter products may remove surface stains caused by coffee or smoking but lack the potency to achieve the same level of whitening as professional treatments. Additionally, at-home methods can pose risks to your gums if the manufacturer’s instructions are not followed precisely.
Professional teeth whitening conducted by a qualified dentist ensures minimal risk of side effects. Extensive research has demonstrated the safety of professional whitening procedures, which yield significantly better results, providing you with a whiter, more radiant smile.
Consultations and Expectations
Before undergoing a teeth whitening procedure, it is essential to have a consultation with your dentist. This consultation helps set realistic expectations and provides an overview of the process. Teeth whitening effectiveness varies depending on the initial color of your teeth:
- Yellow teeth respond most effectively to whitening, producing excellent results.
- Light-brown teeth also whiten well, though the change may be less dramatic.
- Grey teeth are the most challenging to whiten, with results being less pronounced.
If you have dental fillings or have undergone endodontic treatments, it is crucial to discuss these factors with your dentist to understand how they might impact the whitening process.
Advanced Technology
Studio Stradiot uses the latest technology from the American dental company Ultradent, ensuring a high-quality whitening procedure. Additionally, our practice incorporates laser technology during the whitening process, enhancing the results and providing a brighter smile.
- Single Tooth Whitening: 100 euros
- One Dental Arch Whitening: 150 euros
- Both Dental Arches Whitening: 300 euros
Achieve a brighter, more beautiful smile with our professional teeth whitening services at Studio Stradiot. Consult with us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your desired results.