Infinity Clinic uses fetal stem cells that are intended to form different organs of the fetus in order to stimulate self-renewal and regeneration of corresponding organs of the patient. This is called organ-specific therapy.
An important advantage of our treatment is that prior to administration of fetal stem cell-based therapy we perform immunomodulation procedures developed by our scientists to prevent rejection of fetal stem cells by the immune system of the patient.
According to our personalized approach, in case if the patient has several diseases or several complications on a single disease (for example, patients with diabetes has diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy), our doctors compose individual treatment program aiming to stimulate regeneration in the specific tissues and organs of the patient.
To achieve this goal we use different types of organ-specific fetal stem cells. Such as:
It is important to emphasize, that in contrast to «Embryonic stem cells» that are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst that is known to be tumorigenic, fetal stem cells derived from the fetal tissues during the period of 8-20 weeks of development did not show the same tendency in in-vivo experiments.
What procedures are available at Infinity Clinic?
How many medical staff are there at Infinity Clinic and what accreditations do they have?
Infinity Clinic uses fetal stem cells that are intended to form different organs of the fetus in order to stimulate self-renewal and regeneration of corresponding organs of the patient. This is called organ-specific therapy.
An important advantage of our treatment is that prior to administration of fetal stem cell-based therapy we perform immunomodulation procedures developed by our scientists to prevent rejection of fetal stem cells by the immune system of the patient.
According to our personalized approach, in case if the patient has several diseases or several complications on a single disease (for example, patients with diabetes has diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy), our doctors compose individual treatment program aiming to stimulate regeneration in the specific tissues and organs of the patient.
To achieve this goal we use different types of organ-specific fetal stem cells. Such as:
It is important to emphasize, that in contrast to «Embryonic stem cells» that are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst that is known to be tumorigenic, fetal stem cells derived from the fetal tissues during the period of 8-20 weeks of development did not show the same tendency in in-vivo experiments.
What procedures are available at Infinity Clinic?
How many medical staff are there at Infinity Clinic and what accreditations do they have?
Infinity Clinic uses fetal stem cells that are intended to form different organs of the fetus in order to stimulate self-renewal and regeneration of corresponding organs of the patient. This is called organ-specific therapy.
An important advantage of our treatment is that prior to administration of fetal stem cell-based therapy we perform immunomodulation procedures developed by our scientists to prevent rejection of fetal stem cells by the immune system of the patient.
According to our personalized approach, in case if the patient has several diseases or several complications on a single disease (for example, patients with diabetes has diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy), our doctors compose individual treatment program aiming to stimulate regeneration in the specific tissues and organs of the patient.
To achieve this goal we use different types of organ-specific fetal stem cells. Such as:
It is important to emphasize, that in contrast to «Embryonic stem cells» that are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst that is known to be tumorigenic, fetal stem cells derived from the fetal tissues during the period of 8-20 weeks of development did not show the same tendency in in-vivo experiments.
What procedures are available at Infinity Clinic?
How many medical staff are there at Infinity Clinic and what accreditations do they have?