Liv Hospital Ankara, located in Balgat, Ankara, Turkey offers patients Waist Liposuction procedures among its total of 53 available procedures, across 16 different specialties
. Currently, there's no pricing information for Waist Liposuction procedures at Liv Hospital Ankara, as all prices are available on request only, whilst the national average price is approximately $2,205.
How many specialists are there and what accreditation's have been awarded to Liv Hospital Ankara?
All procedures and treatments are undertaken by just a small team of specialists, with 3 in total at the Hospital, and they are accredited by TÜV SÜD - Technischer Überwachungsverein SÜD
MyMediTravel Patient Reviews
See what our customers say about their experiences
Neslihan KAVAK, 22 Sep 2020
It may be the only private hospital you can come to by going safe and catching corona. I tried to reach out by phone for 4 days for a radiology appointment, and finally I was 10 minutes late for the a
İbrahim Aygördü, 22 Sep 2020
Muhteşem hizmet veriyorlar. Covid testi için ailece gittik. İyi ilgilendiler ve test sonucumuzu kısa sürede öğrendik. Teşekkürler Liv Hospital
Ahmet Faruk Keleş, 22 Sep 2020
Temizlik ve hijyen süper. Covid-19 sürecinde hastane personeli bizimle çok ilgilendiler.Herkese tavsiye ederim.
V. TURGUT, 22 Sep 2020
Bu kadar işlerinde başarılı olan doktorların toplandığı bir hastane daha önce görmemiştim.Her biri işlerinde uzman kişiler.İyi tedavi uyguluyorlar.Vermiş oldukları hizmetleri gayet iy
İsmail Bayram, 22 Sep 2020
Arkadaşlar ile kıl dönmesi ameliyatım için danışmıştım sağolsunlar otel konforundaki bir hizmetle beni mağdur etmeden sorunumdan kurtardılar baş hekim başta olmak üzere tüm hekime ark
Gökmen Kırıkoğlu, 22 Sep 2020
The service quality is very high, hospital cleanliness is at the forefront, the hospital staff are friendly and the treatment method offered by the relevant doctors is very successful.
Sercan Koçak, 22 Sep 2020
Tırnak batması olmuştu doktorları çok pratik şekilde hallettiler. Çalışanları güleryüzlü hizmet kalitesi çok iyi ve hastane ortamı çok hijyenik.
Hacer Gül, 22 Sep 2020
Hastane son derece iyi gerçekten çok temiz boyle bir zamanda çok önemli personeller güler ve çok ilgililer
A. Sefa Özdemir, 22 Sep 2020
Gerçekten Temiz Ve güzel bir hastane gayet memnunum herkese tavsiye ederim:)
Deniz Kaçar, 22 Sep 2020
Tek kelime ile süper bir hastahane. gerek doktorların uzmanlık bilgisi gerek personellerin ilgisi süper süper süper. :)
Engin Dombaycı, 21 Sep 2020
Doktorları çok iyi işinde uzman hastane temiz hemşireler ve personel hastalarla çok ilgilenıryorlar
Furkan Çelik, 21 Sep 2020
Bütün hastane personelleri hijyenik kurallara tamamen uyuyor odalar her gün dezenfektan ediliyor ve kibar hizmet şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum.
Mehmet Özcan, 21 Sep 2020
Personel cok güler yüzlüler pandemi ye dikkat ediyorlar cok temiz ve hijyenler emegi gecen herkese teşekkürler
Mert Ulusoy, 21 Sep 2020
hastane sorununuz ne olursa olsun yardımda bulunmayi seven ilgi gösteren çalışanlarla dolu.Bu çok iyi birşey ve ayrıca temizlik görevlilerine de islerini iyi yaptıkları için teşekkür ede
Ayhan Kldkn, 21 Sep 2020
Liv hospital ankara hastanesi uzman doktor ekipler hastalariyla cok ilgili ve personeller hastane yetkilileri cok ilgili ve cokta yardimci oldular hastalarla iyi ilgilenip guler yuzluler ve hastanede
Taner Soykal, 21 Sep 2020
Personelleri güler yüzlü , hizmetleri kaliteli olumsuz yorumlar var kimse inkar edemez ama yorumlara değil deneyerek iyi olduğu anlaşilir .tavsiye ederim.
Emre Yılmaz, 21 Sep 2020
Uzman bilgili iyi doktorların olduğu temiz kaliteli bir hastahanedir. Ben hizmetini çok beğendim. Gerçekten işini iyi yapan doktorlara sahipler. Herkese tavsiye ederim. 👍
mert güleren, 21 Sep 2020
First of all, thanks to the employees, we took care of our work immediately, we received a quality service, the patient was sparkling clean.
Bilgi Bahçacı, 21 Sep 2020
Doktorların hepsi işinde uzman ve güler yüzlü ve oldukçada temiz hijyenik biyer herkeze tavsiye ederim.
Hilal Canatan, 20 Sep 2020
9 Eylül çarşamba günü eşim hastanenizde covid testi verdi. Kaç gün haber alamadik. Çarşambadan beri evdeyiz. Cumartesi günü birlikte test yaptırdıkları kişide Covid Pozitif çıktı. E
Mehmet Ali Çırak, 20 Sep 2020
Doktorlar gerçekten çok ilgililer ve işlerinde bayağı iyiler aynı zamanda güler yüzlüler
Onur Kurt, 20 Sep 2020
Personeller çok kibar ve güleryüzlü çok memnunuz ailecek hastanenin temizliğinide cok beğeniyoruz emeğiniz icin teşekkürler
Serkan Abdioğlu, 20 Sep 2020
Bütün personel çok ilgili hijyene çok önem veriyorlar hastane temizliği ön planda
Erhan Keskin, 20 Sep 2020
Hastane dersen çok iyi bakımlı doktorlar çok iyi pişman etmiyorlar bence tavsiye ederim
serkan arıdağı, 20 Sep 2020
We are in the childbirth department, which is really a pity for the money we give. There is no interest and relevance.
Ne Ta, 20 Sep 2020
There is a disconnection between the departments, the official who plans the visit time: Cardiology will call you ... they give information, they call after the examination. I am not.
irem içöz, 20 Sep 2020
merhaba kardesimin atesi vardi hemen geldik hastaneye, hemen ilgilendiler cok teeekkur ederim odalar tertemiz,hastane hijyenik ,calisanlar yani personeller cok ilgili ve guler yuzlu tesekkur ederim te
Nihat Sağıroğlu, 20 Sep 2020
Gerçekten harika bir hastane ben çok beğendim çok temiz ve titiz hizmet desen 10 numara çalışanlarda gayet güler yüzlü ne sıkıntınız olursa olsun ilgileniyorlar.
Rıza resul Altındağ, 20 Sep 2020
2 ay once gözümden küçük bir operasyon geçirmiştim sagolsunlar şuan cok daha iyi durumdayım personeli de gayet iyi davrandılar zor zamanımda yanımda oldular ihtiyaçlarımı gördüler
Ugur Bircan, 20 Sep 2020
Uzman doktorlar ile çalışıyorlar, hastane odaları, tuvaletleri temiz ve hijyenik. Çalışan personeller ise hastalarla çok iyi ilgileniyor ve güleryuzluler
muhammet kayan, 20 Sep 2020
Çok iyi bir hastane. Hizmet ve kaliteden memnun kaldım. Hastane temizliği olsun konumu olsun çalışanları olsun hepsi mükemmel. Kesinlikle öneririm.
Ayhan Doğan, 20 Sep 2020
Gerçekten harika bir hastane. Gerçekten muhteşem. Herkese tavsiye ederim. Güleryüzlü hizmet anlayışı ile hareket ediyorlar. Çok hijyenik. Harika hizmet.
ibrahim kaygısız, 20 Sep 2020
Ankaradaki en iyi en ilgili özel hastane. Hijyenik ve temiz. Doktorlar çok ilgili ve uzman. Kesinlikle tavsiye ederim. Teşekkür ederim
Melis Narin, 20 Sep 2020
Kaliteli bir hastane burası işinin hakkını veriyorlar herkese de öneririm gelin pişman olmazsınız
Eyüp Maraşlı, 19 Sep 2020
Liv hospital olarak tüm personeller Doktorundan hemşiresine ve daha alt çalışanına kadar ilgili ve alakalılar bu pandemi döneminde daha dikkatliler zamanında tezenfekte uygulamaları ve temiz
General Mobile, 19 Sep 2020
Merhaba,hastanemize telefon ile ulaşmak ne mümkün 2 gün önce acil servisi arıyorum açan yok benim kızım sizden doğum paketi aldı önceki hamileliği düşükle sonuçlandı için ama ilgisi
yasin efe, 19 Sep 2020
personellerin gülere yüzü ve hastanenin ter temiz olması beni benden aldı tavsiye ediyorum
Tuana Alkan, 19 Sep 2020
Doktorların uzmanlığını duyup geldim .Gerçekten işlerinde son derece profosyenel olan insanlar .Hastane hijyen konusunda çok önlemler almıştı ,temiz bir yerdi . Personeller de çok ilgili
Kadir Şenkaya, 19 Sep 2020
Pandemi sürecinde hastanelerin kalabalık ve steril ortamlar olmadığını düşünüyordum üstelik çok tedirgindim benim bu algimi yiktiginiz için teşekkür ederim böyle konularda hassas olmas
Muzaffer Öçalan Büber, 19 Sep 2020
Arkadaşlar hastene de çok iyi ilgililer. Temizlik ve hijyen süper. Covid-19 sürecinde hastane personeli bizimle çok ilgilendiler. Özel hastane olaraktan gerçekten parasının hakkını veriyor
Sibel353, 19 Sep 2020
Hastanenin hizmetinden cok memnun kaldik. Doktorlar ve calisanlar desen islerinin hakkini veriyorlar. Hastane ve odalar cok temiz ve hijyenik. Her yer mis gibi. Hastaya kiymet veren bi hastane. Verdik
Eren Hacat, 19 Sep 2020
Doktorundan, yardımcı personeline kadar herkesin kalifiye olduğu hijyenik ve güvenilir bir kurum. Ankaradaki nadir hastanelerden herkese tavsiye ediyorum.
İbrahim Esendemir, 19 Sep 2020
Çankaya'da gayet merkezi bir yerde. Hizmetleri gayet güzel. Hastalarıyla çok iyi ilgileniyorlar. Allah hasta etmesin ama bir şeyiniz varsa gitmekte tereddüt etmeyin. Teşekkürler.
Yusuf Yiğit, 19 Sep 2020
Çok temiz bir hastane. Personel ilgisi çok güzel. Hastaların memnuniyeti ve hastanenin rahatlığı insana ayrı huzur veriyor
Özlem Ülker, 19 Sep 2020
Hastanenin doktorlari sağlık personelleri temizlik görevlileri her konuda dört dörtlük cok memnun kaldım tafsiye ederim tekrardan teşekkür ederim
Emrah Ekinci, 19 Sep 2020
Doktorların uzmanlığından iyi bir tedavi sunduğundanHastanenin temizliğindenPersonelin güleryüzündenHizmetin kalitesinden memnun kaldım
Enes Karagöz, 19 Sep 2020
Hastane güzek yorumlara aldanmayın titizler ve ilgileniyorlar personelleri ilgili tavsiye ederim sizede
Yusuf Küçük, 18 Sep 2020
Temiz bir hastane personelleri güler yüzlü ilgili iyi bir hastane.
Ahmet Çağlayan, 18 Sep 2020
Malum bu günlerde pandemi nedeniyle hastahaneler riskli ama içiniz rahat olsun. Hijyen temizlik bu hastahanede had safhada. Her tarafta ücretsiz dezenfektanlar. Personel yardımsever ve güler yüz
mesut koçak, 18 Sep 2020
hastaneye cumartesi gunu gidiyorsun, sonuclar pazartesi cikar biz sizi arariz deniyor. Birakin sizi aramayi, onlarca defa siz ariyorsunuz, yazili ve sozlu bildirimde bulunuyorsunuz ama nafile. sonucta
Happy Life, 18 Sep 2020
Kapıda hiçbir denetim yok ve ateş ölçülmüyor. İnanılmaz bir keşmekeş var. Çalışanlar gergin, sistemsiz bir hastahane olduğu için randevulu da gitseniz en az yarım saat bekletiyorlar.
Niyazi, 18 Sep 2020
Hastane olarak güzel.güleryğzlğ personel var kaliteli işi bilen doktorlar mevcut. En iyi hastanede olsa Allah kimseyi düşürmesin İNŞAALLAH
Muhammed Efe Çınar, 18 Sep 2020
Doktorlar işlerini uzmanca yapıyorlar âdeta. Gayet güzel bir tedavi sunuldu benim için.Onun dışında hastane gayet temiz. Ve baya bi kaliteli hizmet sunuyorlar.
Doktorlar uzman olmuşlar artık bu işte çok başarılı bir tedavi sunuyorlar personeller ilgili ve saygılılar kaliteli bir hizmet var sizede tavsiye ederim
ali aslaner, 18 Sep 2020
doktorlar gayet uzman personeller de bi okadar güleryüzlü gittim ve gayet emnun kaldım herkese buray tavsiye ediyorum teşekkür ederim
Mehmet Ekici, 18 Sep 2020
Kuzenim için gittiğimde acil bölümünde güvenlik müdürünün kaba ve üslupsuz tavırlarıyla karşılaştığımız bir yer.
Emre Kuzu, 18 Sep 2020
Son zamanlarda gördüğüm en iyi özel hastanelerden biri olabilir, doktorlar çok iyi ve bilgililer.
Muhammed Emin Çaylak, 18 Sep 2020
Very clean and the staff are amazing, the relevant doctors are an excellent hospital
tuncer atmaca, 18 Sep 2020
güzel olması gerek anlatılanlara bakılırsa ben gitmedim tam olarak bilmiyiroum
Melike Satioglu, 18 Sep 2020
Buraya burun ameliyatim icin geldim cok memnun kaldim zaten doktorum cok ilgiliydi sosyal mesafe ve covid icin onlemler alinmisti . Tertemiz bir hastane.
Havva Çiçek, 18 Sep 2020
Personelleri çok ilgili ben çok beğendim. Hastaneye gittiğimde benimle çok ilgilendiler hiç yabancılık çekmedim ayrıca hastane çok iyi dezenfekte edilmişti.
Esra Celik, 18 Sep 2020
Hastane muhteşem zaten temizlik personel ilgi alaka ama doktorlarimiz can allah basimizdan eksik etmesin hepsi altın gibi çok tesekkur ederim💐
Baran Aslan, 18 Sep 2020
Doktorlar işlerini gerçekten çok güzel yapıyorlar hastane temizlikçilerinede teşekkur ederim hastane pırıl pırıldı hemşirelerde baya tecrübeli gidebilme şansınız varsa gidin
emre ylln, 18 Sep 2020
The working staff are very interested and friendly, they take care of your small problem very well. The hospital is very clean and spacious.
Beyza Kurt, 18 Sep 2020
Calisanlarin guler yuzu, hastane hijyeni her seyden cok memnun kaldik. Herkese tavsiye ediyorum
Tarık Deniz, 18 Sep 2020
Hijyenik ve temiz hastane personellerin ilgisinden fazlasıyla memnun kaldık herşey için çok teşekkürler kolaylıklar dileriz :)
Oyun Man, 17 Sep 2020
Hastane çok iyi hijyen olarak hastalar ile güzel ilgileniyor personeler iyi tercih ederim
Yakup Demir, 17 Sep 2020
gayet temiz sevecen personeller ve düzgün bir çalışma ortamı sunulur
Çetin Kaya, 17 Sep 2020
Hastanenin doktorları hizmet konusunda çok iyidirler son derece hizmetlerini beğendim severek geliyorum Hijyen kurallarına uyularak maske kullanıma dikkat edilerek işlemler yapılıyor
çağdaş ceylan, 17 Sep 2020
Doktorların uzmanlığı ve ilgisi insanı memnun eder seviyede pandemi döneminde hastanenin temizliği de pandemi tedbirleri üst düzey seviyede korkmadan gidilecek güzel bir hastane
Habip Yıldız, 17 Sep 2020
I can say it is a nice private hospital. I went for a treatment .. I will not share it as my treatment is a bit special. But there was a superior understanding of cleanliness and hygiene. I found it v
Zehra Kekeçoglu, 17 Sep 2020
Recently, I was disturbed in the evening, I went to Liv Hospital, the doctors made an emergency intervention, the staff were very friendly, the doctors were very pleased with the expert treatment in t
Eren Bal, 17 Sep 2020
Hastaneye bir akrabam gitti,güleryüzle geri geldi,çok memmun kaldık,hastane çok temiz sıkıntı yok gürültü yok,personeller çok harika,çok memmunuz sizde gidebilirsiniz.
Ahmet Can, 17 Sep 2020
Ayağım için gittim cidden uzman bir doktor kadrosu var güler yüzlü ve hizmet kaliteleri çok güzel hepsi ilgili davranıyorlar
Emin Boyraz, 17 Sep 2020
Gayet iyi bir hizmet veriliyor çalışanlar güler yüzlü ve kibar insanlar teşekkür ediyorum tavsiye ederim
Ozelikle Hizmetin kalitesi mukemel musterilerle aninda iletism kuruyorlar cok memnunum tesekurler boyle devam
B M, 17 Sep 2020
I am currently waiting in the radiology department, I cannot find an interlocutor to ask questions, there is no secretary, the officials from the inside do not give clear information, we cannot predic
Soner Çalışkan, 17 Sep 2020
Doktorlar güler yüzlü keza diğer personellerde öyle,gayet temiz ve ferah bir hastane bence.Benim gözlemlediğim bunlar.
Kübra Kazan, 17 Sep 2020
Temiz bir hastane çalışanları çok ilgili hizmet kalitesi oldukça başarılı memnun kalacağınız eminim
Rown, 16 Sep 2020
The service quality of the doctors is very good. The staff is very friendly. The hospital is very clean and spacious ..
Muhammed Yağmur, 16 Sep 2020
Burun estetiği yaptırdım çok memnun kaldım çalışan doktor çok iyiydi.
ali islam Bölükbaşı, 16 Sep 2020
Şu pandemi döneminde hastane temiz ve personelleri güleryüzlüydü hastanenin hizmet kaliteside iyiydi
Denizaltı Amiri, 16 Sep 2020
hastaneye gittiğimde hijyen kurallarına çok dikkat ediliyordu doktorlar gayet samimi bir şekilde muayane ediyorlardı tavsiye derim.
Mustafa Ersoy, 16 Sep 2020
Very nice hospital staff, friendly and really knowledgeable people, I am very pleased.
Aydın Sarıkaya, 16 Sep 2020
Ben artık şuna kanaat getirdim. İnternetten yemek siparişi verdiğimizde nasıl yıldız ortalamasına bakıyoruz özel hastahanelerin de aynı şekilde bakmamız gerekiyormuş. Zor günler geçir
Neco Otur, 16 Sep 2020
Pandemi sürecinde hastanelerin kalabalık ve steril ortamlar olmadığını düşünüyordum üstelik çok tedirgindim benim bu algimi yiktiginiz için teşekkür ederim böyle konularda hassas olmas
cebrail alp, 16 Sep 2020
Ben burayı çok sevdim hastane çok siterilir çok temiz ve maske takmayan kimseyi içeri almıyorlar bunu söyleyebilirim ki personelin temizlik olarak çok önlem aldığını gördüm ben çok me
Gökhan KILIÇ, 16 Sep 2020
çok temiz ve bakımlı bir hastane personel çok ilgili doktorlarda çok profesyonel kısa sürede ne yapılması gerektiğini kararlaştırıyorlar ve yönlendiriyorlar. çok teşekkür ediyorum gü
Zeynep Kara, 16 Sep 2020
Hastaneler bu aralar yoğun arkadaşlar lütfen bu aralar fazla gitmeyin sağlik çalışanlara ben işimi gördüm temizlik çok iyiydi ve doktorlar islerinde uzmanlar
shit poster of the week, 16 Sep 2020
Hastanenin her katı çok temizdi.Personeller güler yüzlü ve yardımcı oluyorlardı.Çok iyi bir hastane.Eğer gitmek isterseniz kesinlikle tavsiye ederim.
Ayşe Tokay, 16 Sep 2020
Bence en iyi hastane doktor kalitesi çok iyi herkes çok iyi davranıyor uzman kadrosu olması onları zirveye yerleşmesine herhangi bir engel tanımıyor
Fatma Gül, 16 Sep 2020
I went to the emergency room because of my illness, they took care of it very well, its employees were smiling and an excellent hospital.
Gizem Keçe, 16 Sep 2020
Today we took my baby and went to the place where we were devastated in the early hours of the morning, we paid close to 1000 lira as a result, get out of there, go to another private, they officially
Melih Demir, 16 Sep 2020
çok temiz çalışıyorlar hastaneleri çok temiz.Çalışanları güleryüzlü ve çok kaliteli hizmet veriyorlar.Memnun kaldık tavsiye ederiz
Burak Tatoğlu, 15 Sep 2020
Doktorların hizmet kalitesi çok iyi.Personel çok güler yüzlü.Hastanede oldukça temiz ve ferah.
Gurur Arslan, 15 Sep 2020
Isınde uzman ve kaliteli bir ekip tebrik ederim cok basarili islerinde muhteşem ya
erhan uyaroglu, 15 Sep 2020
Genrl olarak iyi bir hastane. Ama doktorlar çok sık değişiyor.
yasin görgünoğlu, 15 Sep 2020
We said we gave up neither the examination nor anything else in return, we said we gave up neither the examination nor anything else in return for God, let your patient not let it fall into your patie
okan koncak, 15 Sep 2020
Günümüzü su virüs ile korkarak geçirdiğimiz dönemde gerek hastanenin temizliği gerek personelin güler yüzü ve hasta ile yakından ilgilenmesi gerekse doktorların uzmanligi ve bilgisi doğ
Burak KARKIN, 15 Sep 2020
Ben karın ağrısı ve baş ağrısı şikayeti ile başvurdum çok ilgililerdi doktorlar her ihtimale karşı da covid testi yaptılar verilen ücrete değen bir hastane
vedat mercan, 15 Sep 2020
Şu dönemde arkadaşlarla gittik covid 19 testi yaptırdık ve memnun kaldık hastnede ilgi ve alaka süper emeği geçen herkese teşekkürler
Selis Zeynep, 15 Sep 2020
I received a quality treatment, I was very pleased. The doctors are very expert in their work. Please be comfortable in this regard. They give the service you receive to the fullest. The staff have ta
huseyin erdem, 15 Sep 2020
Hastane tek kelime ile mü ke mm el doktorlar muhteşem uzmanı hizmet kalitesi harika bütün personeller güler yüzülü Ve harika bi hizmet kaliteleri var
mehmet fatih, 15 Sep 2020
doktorların sunduğu sağlık hizmetinden cok memnun kaldım. ortam hijyenik ve temizdi. çok sağlıklıydı. çalışanlar guler yuzluydu . çok beğendim hizmeti. çok teşekkurler
serdar taş, 14 Sep 2020
I could not understand why the car park in your hospital is rented to the company that provides valet service. The man came to your hospital for 5-10 minutes, they get 20 TL. Koskoca hospital is waiti
akif şafaklı, 13 Sep 2020
The result of the test of the newborn baby has been 2 weeks and still has not been released. Due to the lack of personnel, he was removed in 1 month. While 1 day is very important for the development
vedat akçaabat, 13 Sep 2020
Generally, those who work in a good hospital are respectful and proper people, but I warn the hospital management from here.
Muharrem Çiçekli, 13 Sep 2020
A star system is obliged or I would not actually give it. It cannot be such a private hospital, officially robbers and they certainly do not deserve the money they receive. First of all, our patient i
Ayfer TUNA, 11 Sep 2020
The best quality physicians in Ankara really work here. I have been examined many times in the Neurology, Orthopedics and Obstetrics units and have not had any problems in any of them. I wanted to exp
Muhammed Köseli, 09 Sep 2020
We chose an incredible quality hospital for heart surgery in the comfort of a 5-year hotel, we were very pleased with the attention of the staff, the medical equipment, everything was great. I would l
Ömür Ata, 08 Sep 2020
Pandemi sürecinde hastanelerin kalabalık ve steril ortamlar olmadığını düşünüyordum üstelik çok tedirgindim benim bu algimi yiktiginiz için teşekkür ederim böyle konularda hassas olmas
Murat C. K., 07 Sep 2020
The worst private hospital I have ever seen in my life. It is not possible to reach the hospital by phone. Maybe I called 10 times and each time I waited on the phone for 15-20 minutes without exagger
Muge Yesil, 06 Sep 2020
My cousin gave birth in that hospital. Although I said it was a disgraceful place, he preferred it for his doctor. We thank our doctor and a midwife sister. But the other staff officially traumatized
Ahmet Buğra Türk, 06 Sep 2020
I'm trying to connect to the operator right now. I'm in the 15th minute and it looks like it will continue. It's always like this, but there is also a good thing if you have a disease, you can recover
Lütfiye Demirdoven, 06 Sep 2020
The hospital valet service is delivering the car to the infamous valet comes in a drawn state. Do not give your car to the ballet, it is better to leave the car parks there in the future.
Mustafa Tetik, 04 Sep 2020
I have been waiting for 4-5 days to inform them for check up information from liv hospital. They do not give information for the service they will do with their money. They received my number 3 4 time
Nazlıcan Aytar, 03 Sep 2020
The worst business I've ever been to.It's not a hospital. A business where you get health services with money.The worst hospital in Ankara.Actually it's not hospital. It is only a company which serves
Ismail Satilmis, 03 Sep 2020
I also had the covid 19 test at the hospital on the 21st of the month. Today on the 29th of the month I still haven't learned the test result. I am looking for the hospital, I am hardly reaching. They
Hakan Yurdakul, 03 Sep 2020
I thank my teacher Ayhan attar forever. But the nurses are very uninterested, we followed the serum medication of the medication. The food that came to the room came at 18.00, at 21:00. The empty plug
Dilara Yıldırım, 02 Sep 2020
We came from Istanbul, the employees are very interested, especially in this period, cleanliness and meticulousness are at the highest level, thanks for everything.
kübra kayabaşı, 02 Sep 2020
I have been looking for a reliable center for cellulite treatment for a long time, and I went to Liv Hospital Ankara with the recommendation of a friend. Before I started the procedure, I was nervous.
Sedat Yurtlu, 01 Sep 2020
I had a test from your hospital on Wednesday, you called the test presenter on Friday and you said we will let you know, and what did you call and ask, moreover, I am looking for what it is possible t
Levent Baydar, 27 Aug 2020
Saturday morning, infection section applied to Duran teacher. He asked for tests with covid suphyle. He asked for extra tomography tests. We did ok. You go, the results will come out, we were said to
Orhan ORHAN, 24 Aug 2020
2.5-year-old child has a fever of 38.5, you will pay tons of money, you go there anyway, they do not let you in because there is no emergency. Moreover, they sent it without even making an injection.
Kaan Derdinne, 24 Aug 2020
Definitely do not go and have a COVID 19 test, my close friend came out, we had all friends tested in the state hospital, the test results were released in less than 24 hours, the test results were no
şeyhmus birel, 23 Aug 2020
It is a really beautiful hospital. Comfortable like a 5 star hotel. I had an operation in this hospital, including the friends working in the surgery department and the nurses and housekeepers I slept
teshup19, 11 Aug 2020
I had a hair transplant, I regret a thousand times, they turned my life upside down and became antidepressant. I leave my photos, the comment is yours.
Fatma Kahvecioglu, 01 Aug 2020
When you need to reach by phone, you can never reach the given numbers. At the end of 1.5 months, the reporter lady who gave information to the power plant responded by saying that the person who want
rabia tekin, 15 Jun 2020
On the morning of 5 May, we encountered a complete disgrace in the hospital where I had a cesarean delivery in Liv Hospital, Çankaya. The disgrace that started with the room change crisis after being
Kian Afshar, 28 Oct 2019
If you like bad treatment, rude employees and people that don't believe you! Come on down and waste your money! 100% guaranteed you'll have a bad time! So what are you waiting for?
Badar Abdulkadir, 30 Mar 2019
The environment is nice but the staff are not cooperative and to wait the result can take several days... no one knows English and menimum cooperation for the foreigners... i will simply say the env
AYTAC HASİBE, 17 Mar 2019
I wish I hadn't had a star ... so I took my kid to an emergency doctor at night, so I don't see a doctor. then the nurse comes with an antipyretic in the hands of the doctor said. I did not accept the
A Beck, 16 Dec 2018
Transporting patients within the building is a nightmare because of the elevators. There are two functioning elevators that usually smell disgusting inside since they are constantly packed with people
Anna Kurnos, 10 Jul 2018
Very low service on taking analysis, always need to wait for the visit time. Calling center usually can’t help or offer the most expensive doctors. Today for example I spend almost 3 hours for the r
ingali alawee, 06 May 2017
Very good hospital and very good prof . Doctor's
Mehmet Necati Aysan, 28 Feb 2016
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Waist liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that breaks up and “sucks” fat from the waist. The waist and flanks, often called “love handles,” is one of the most common places of weight gain and localized fat. Even after a proper diet and regular exercise, it can be difficult to slim down and achieve visible improvement in this area. This is where waist liposuction help as the procedure can deliver dramatic results.
Both men and women can undergo waist liposuction, but the procedure is more sought-after by women since it is very common for them to have fullness through the waist, particularly after having children but also as they get older. Excess fat around the waist and flanks can often cause the dreaded muffin top. The problem may also create a bra bulge (fat under the bra strap area), which can be unsightly on women. These problems can make some people feel unconfident, especially when wearing certain clothing types, like bathing suits. Excess fat in the area may also make it hard for some people to find clothes that fit perfectly.
Waist liposuction can address these problems easily. It can dramatically improve the appearance of your waist, reducing your waist measurement by a few centimeters, and, for women, decrease the rolls beneath your bra straps. As a result, you will be left with a much more youthful contour, which will ultimately enhance your self-image. For women, waist liposuction can also provide an hourglass figure, which is often considered a stamp of femininity, while men who undergo this procedure can enjoy a more athletic and toned appearance.
Waist liposuction is often combined with hip liposuction for a more balanced result. Excess fat in the waist and hips can cause the torso to appear “square.” For many women, having smooth and shapely hips is essential to maintain a feminine silhouette. Removing fat from the waist and hip, along with the area above the buttocks, will make your body look more feminine and youthful. It can help create a better back arch and transition from the buttocks to the back as well.
Not everyone can undergo waist liposuction. A good candidate for the procedure is as follows:
You are struggling with fat deposits in your waist that won’t go away even after exercise and diet, resulting in a muffin-top and love handle over your pants.
You are physically and psychologically healthy, and it is preferable that you are a non-smoker. If you have a weakened immune system, coronary artery disease, or diabetes, you may not be allowed to undergo this procedure.
You have a good skin tone and elasticity to ensure that your skin can mold itself into your new shape following the procedure.
You have hit your target weight. While there is no specific weight you need to achieve before getting waist liposuction, you should still be within or near your target weight to be able to undergo the procedure.
You have realistic expectations. While the procedure can help you lose several centimeters off your waist, it is important to remember that waist liposuction is not a substitute for diet and exercise and that it is not a weight-loss procedure.
The Procedure
Before your waist liposuction, you will have an initial consultation with your surgeon. This consultation may be done virtually or in person. During the consultation, you and your surgeon will discuss your expectations, concerns, and medical history, as well as the benefit and risks of the surgery. Your surgeon may also give you instructions to prepare yourself before the surgery. These may include:
Stop smoking cigarettes. The nicotine in cigarettes can sabotage the results of your waist liposuction. It decreases the blood flow throughout your body by restricting your blood vessels. This will make your healing time longer and even increase your risk of developing a blood clot.
Avoid alcohol since it can thin your blood, raising your risk of uncontrolled bleeding. It may also interfere with normal anesthetic metabolism.
Eat healthy to gear up your body for waist liposuction. Eating a healthy diet can boost your health for better healing and increase your skin elasticity.
Stop taking certain medicines and herbal supplements, such as anticoagulants and NSAIDs, since they can increase your risk of bleeding. You may also need to stop taking contraceptive pills.
If the consultation is done before you fly to Ankara, your surgeon and medical team may also give you suggestions about what to bring. It is usually recommended that you bring comfortable clothes, arrange for help while you recover in the hotel, and bring entertainment, such as books and movies. Your surgeon may require you to take several tests as well. These tests will help your surgeon determine whether you are an ideal candidate for the procedure or not.
The day before your waist liposuction, you may have a pre-operative appointment to review the surgical plan, discuss the post-operative instructions, and sign consent forms. Your surgeon may also take photos of your waist during this consultation for the before and after pictures.
On the day of the surgery, your surgeon will start the procedure by marking the targeted areas of your waist. Then, you will be given anesthesia. Waist liposuction can be performed under local or general anesthesia. Local anesthesia only numbs the treatment area, but you will still be awake, while general anesthesia will put you in a temporary sleep.
There are several liposuction techniques that can be used to perform waist liposuction, but the most common technique is tumescent liposuction. With this technique, your surgeon will first pump a saline solution with lidocaine (local anesthetic) and epinephrine (vessel-constrictor) below the skin in the targeted area. This solution is used to fill the fatty layer of your skin, causing it to swell and firm so your surgeon can have better control when shaping your waist. This solution also temporarily shrinks your blood vessels, reducing blood loss during the procedure and reducing swelling, pain, and bruising after the procedure.
After injecting the solution, your surgeon will create a tiny incision in the skin of your waist. Then, a cannula will be inserted through this incision into the fatty layer. A cannula is a small tube that is connected to a vacuum-like device. The fat from your waist is sucked through the cannula into a sterile collection system using back and forth movements. The amount of fat removed depends on your condition and desire. A maximum of five liters of fat can be removed during this procedure. Once your surgeon finishes contouring your waist, they will place a compression garment on the area to help the skin heal and contract.
Waist liposuction typically takes around 1 to 1.5 hours to perform.
How Long Should You Stay in Ankara?
You should not have to stay in the hospital overnight unless your waist liposuction is combined with another surgery, a huge amount of fat is removed, or a general anesthetic is used. Although you can leave the hospital on the same day as your waist liposuction, you should not leave Ankara as soon as you are discharged. Stay at least seven days in Ankara for initial recovery and follow-up checkups. During the follow-up checkups, your surgeon will monitor your healing.
How Long is the Recovery Time?
Everyone is different, but you should be able to return to work within a week following your waist liposuction if your job is mostly sedentary. The incisions should heal in 3 to 4 weeks. Still, vigorous activities, such as full exercise routines and heavy lifting, should be avoided for at least six weeks.
Your initial recovery time should not be terribly painful due to the local anesthetic injected into the fatty tissue, but you will be sore and may feel some discomfort after the surgery. There will be swelling as well, which will subside in a few days.
You will see improvements within one to two weeks after your waist liposuction, but it takes at least four months for you to see the full results.
What Aftercare Should You Consider?
Post-operative instructions will be given to you by your surgeon or medical team. Make sure to follow everything. The instructions may include:
Take short walks as soon as you can to enhance healing and increase blood flow throughout your body.
Take medications as prescribed and directed. If your surgeon does not prescribe pain medication, ask them if you can take over-the-counter pain killers.
Wear the compression garment for around six weeks or until your surgeon tells you to take it off. The compression garment helps reduce swelling and shape your body to its new contour.
Stay hydrated and eat well. Remember, waist liposuction is still a surgery, which can be tough on your body. Proper healing needs good nutrition.
Take it easy and get plenty of sleep in the first few weeks after your waist liposuction to help your body recover.
The result of your waist liposuction should be long-lasting, but you need to maintain it by making healthy lifestyle choices. Gaining or losing significant weight may change the results. Therefore, make sure you eat a proper diet and exercise regularly.
What is the Success Rate for Waist Liposuction?
Waist liposuction is considered a safe and effective procedure, especially when carried out by a board-certified plastic surgeon. However, like all surgical procedures, there are some risks you need to be aware of. These include bleeding, infection, an adverse reaction to anesthesia, severe bruising, thrombophlebitis (a blood clot forming in a vein, causing further complications like inflammation), numbness, contour irregularities, infections, pulmonary embolism, kidney or heart problems, internal organ punctures, pulmonary edema, skin burns, and allergic reactions.
To avoid these complications and achieve satisfying results, make sure you follow all of your surgeon’s instructions. Choosing a qualified and well-trained surgeon is also important.
Are there Alternatives to Waist Liposuction?
You can undergo a tummy tuck as an alternative to waist liposuction, especially if you have a lot of excess skin in the area. Along with creating a flatter tummy, a tummy tuck can smooth and give you a thinner waist. However, if you are not a good candidate for surgery or you do not want to go under the knife, CoolSculpting can be the alternative to liposuction. With CoolSculpting, a special device is used to freeze your fat cells and eliminate them from your waist. No anesthetic, incisions, or needles are used during a CoolSculpting.
What Should You Expect Before and After the Procedure?
Before waist liposuction, you may have excess fat in your waist and flanks, which may create the dreaded muffin top and love handles. After the procedure, you can enjoy a slimmer, more contoured waistline. Women can appreciate their new curves, which makes them look a lot more feminine. Men can enjoy a more toned and athletic appearance. The results of the procedure may also boost your confidence and self-esteem. Buying new clothes will be a lot easier, and you will be able to wear your old clothes again since your pants and dress sizes may go down. Clothes will also fit much better and look more flattering.
Other Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Available at Liv Hospital Ankara
Kavaklıdere, Bestekar Cd No:8, 06680 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey
Waist Liposuction at Liv Hospital Ankara
What does Liv Hospital Ankara offer patients?
Liv Hospital Ankara, located in Balgat, Ankara, Turkey offers patients Waist Liposuction procedures among its total of 53 available procedures, across 16 different specialties
. Currently, there's no pricing information for Waist Liposuction procedures at Liv Hospital Ankara, as all prices are available on request only, whilst the national average price is approximately $2,205.
How many specialists are there and what accreditation's have been awarded to Liv Hospital Ankara?
All procedures and treatments are undertaken by just a small team of specialists, with 3 in total at the Hospital, and they are accredited by TÜV SÜD - Technischer Überwachungsverein SÜD
Liv Hospital Ankara
Kavaklıdere, Bestekar Cd No:8, 06680 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey
Liv Hospital Ankara
Kavaklıdere, Bestekar Cd No:8, 06680 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey
Established -
Waist Liposuction
Starting from Price on request
What does Liv Hospital Ankara offer patients?
Liv Hospital Ankara, located in Balgat, Ankara, Turkey offers patients Waist Liposuction procedures among its total of 53 available procedures, across 16 different specialties
. Currently, there's no pricing information for Waist Liposuction procedures at Liv Hospital Ankara, as all prices are available on request only, whilst the national average price is approximately $2,205.
How many specialists are there and what accreditation's have been awarded to Liv Hospital Ankara?
All procedures and treatments are undertaken by just a small team of specialists, with 3 in total at the Hospital, and they are accredited by TÜV SÜD - Technischer Überwachungsverein SÜD