Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic provides many kinds of treatments according to traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture, cupping, fire dragon, Chinese herbs, massage therapy (Tui Na), Guasa, Chinese herbs, facial mask, blood letting, ear acupressure seeds,etc.
Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic , can be found in Jomtien, Pattaya, Thailand, only recently opened in 2024.How many procedures are offered to patients at Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic ?
How is Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic rated among MediJump customers?
What languages do staff speak at Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic ?
How many medical staff are there and what accreditation's do they have?
Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic provides many kinds of treatments according to traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture, cupping, fire dragon, Chinese herbs, massage therapy (Tui Na), Guasa, Chinese herbs, facial mask, blood letting, ear acupressure seeds,etc.
Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic , can be found in Jomtien, Pattaya, Thailand, only recently opened in 2024.How many procedures are offered to patients at Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic ?
How is Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic rated among MediJump customers?
What languages do staff speak at Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic ?
How many medical staff are there and what accreditation's do they have?
Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic provides many kinds of treatments according to traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture, cupping, fire dragon, Chinese herbs, massage therapy (Tui Na), Guasa, Chinese herbs, facial mask, blood letting, ear acupressure seeds,etc.
Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic , can be found in Jomtien, Pattaya, Thailand, only recently opened in 2024.How many procedures are offered to patients at Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic ?
How is Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic rated among MediJump customers?
What languages do staff speak at Pattaya Acupuncture Clinic ?
How many medical staff are there and what accreditation's do they have?