What procedures are available at Nuffield Dental - Simpang Bedok Private Limited?
How many medical staff are there at Nuffield Dental - Simpang Bedok Private Limited and what accreditations do they have?
Dental veneers are thin covers that are attached to the surface of teeth to enhance their appearance. The non-invasive dentral procedure is previously popular among those with damaged or discolored teeth. Nowadays, however, the procedure is seen as the ideal method of achieving the ‘perfect smile.'Â
Veneers can be used to hide uneven, misaligned or simply imperfect teeth. The veneers are cemented over the existing teeth and fixed into place – there are two main types of veneer; Porcelain and Composite. Porcelain veneers are more expensive and appear more natural, being made in a laboratory so require multiple visits. There is often the need to alter the existing teeth, removing some of the mass. Composite veneers are made of the same materials used for cavity fillings. They can usually be made quickly, and are sculpted directly on the teeth instead of in a laboratory. Thus allowing the procedure to be done in a day.
There is actually no recovery time after the placement of your veneers. You can also return back to your daily routines including exercise immediately after your trip. As for the enamel removal, you may experience some mild discomfort for about a week. It is best that you avoid very hot or cold foods, including hard, chewy or crunchy food. When your sensitivity wears off, you can return to your normal dietary habits.
Over the past years, many studies have reported that over 91% of people who have had dental veneers experienced highly positive results. However, potential risks and side effects after undergoing this procedure are a possibility. Just like any other dental restoration, dental veneers can have some side-effects, for example:
What procedures are available at Nuffield Dental - Simpang Bedok Private Limited?
How many medical staff are there at Nuffield Dental - Simpang Bedok Private Limited and what accreditations do they have?
What procedures are available at Nuffield Dental - Simpang Bedok Private Limited?
How many medical staff are there at Nuffield Dental - Simpang Bedok Private Limited and what accreditations do they have?