What procedures are available at Invicta Fertility Clinic - Warsaw?
How many medical staff are there at Invicta Fertility Clinic - Warsaw and what accreditations do they have?
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is a procedure that uses a special form of X-ray to look at the fallopian tubes and uterus. It is a noninvasive medical test that is often used to find out why you are having difficulty conceiving. The doctor will check if the fallopian tubes are fully or partially blocked and if the inside of the uterus is normal.
Doctors also recommend HSG to examine repeated miscarriages that may be caused by congenital or acquired uterine problems, such as adhesions, endometrial (uterine) polyps, uterine fibroids, congenital problems (uterine anomalies), tumors. In addition, HSG can check the effects of tubal surgery, including:
Blockage of the fallopian tubes caused by scarring or infection
Reopening of the fallopian tubes after sterilization or a blockage caused by a disease
Closing of the fallopian tubes after sterilization procedures.
You can resume your normal activities, including work, immediately after HSG. However, you should refrain from sexual intercourse for 2 to 3 days.
HSG is a very safe procedure with high success rates. However, there are some complications that the procedure carries and they only occur with 1% of patients. These complications include infection, radiation exposure, fainting, allergic reaction to the contrast material, and spotting. Injury to your uterus or pelvic injury is possible as well.
The procedure is generally considered as effective and accurate most of the time. However, a small study revealed a 35% incident of false negatives. This means that the results showed a normal uterine shape, but other tests showed abnormalities. Also, 15% of women who undergo this procedure have a false-positive, meaning the results showed abnormalities when it is actually normal.
What procedures are available at Invicta Fertility Clinic - Warsaw?
How many medical staff are there at Invicta Fertility Clinic - Warsaw and what accreditations do they have?
What procedures are available at Invicta Fertility Clinic - Warsaw?
How many medical staff are there at Invicta Fertility Clinic - Warsaw and what accreditations do they have?