What does HELIOS Hospital Berlin-Buch offer patients?
How many specialists are there and what accreditation's have been awarded to HELIOS Hospital Berlin-Buch?
The approach to treating liver cancer is based on many factors such as the type, size, position of the cancer, and its spread, along with the general health of the patient. Treatments can include surgical intervention, chemotherapy, thermal ablation (employing heat to eradicate cancer cells), speciality medications, and radiology.
In some cases, when the cancer is in an early stage and has not spread too much, surgery to remove the cancer may be an option. This could mean removing a part or even the whole liver (in which case, a liver transplant would be necessary). Recovery after such surgical procedures takes considerable time.
Throughout your treatment, the team of specialists will provide explanations for each treatment, their potential benefits, and expected side effects. They will also assist you in managing any side effects, including offering advice on dietary changes. Regular check-ups, tests, and scans are an integral part of the treatment process. It is of utmost importance to share any concerning symptoms or side effects with your specialists, rather than waiting until your next appointment.
Recovering from liver cancer treatments varies for each individual. It largely depends on the type of treatment you’ve received, the state of your health before the treatment started, and how well your body responded to the procedure.
In the case of surgery, which could be partial removal of the liver or a complete liver transplant, you might spend a few days to a couple of weeks in the hospital initially. After discharge, you might need a few more months at home to comfortably recover and get back to your daily routine.
With other types of treatments like radiation therapy or chemotherapy, the recovery period can vary even more. It could range from a few weeks to several months, depending on the strength of your treatment and the number of therapy sessions you've undergone.
The success rate for Liver Cancer Treatment depends on things like how far the cancer has progressed when it is found, what kind of treatment is used, and how healthy the patient is overall.
You see, when liver cancer is caught early, the chances of treating it successfully are pretty good, often with a surgical approach. But, if the cancer has moved to other parts of the body, things can get a bit more tricky. The treatment options change and, realistically, the chances of it working aren’t as high.
There have been new ways of treating liver cancer that are making a big difference in survival rates. And remember, 'success' doesn't always mean getting rid of the cancer completely. Sometimes, it can mean stopping the cancer from spreading, reducing the symptoms or just helping the patient to live a better quality of life.
What does HELIOS Hospital Berlin-Buch offer patients?
How many specialists are there and what accreditation's have been awarded to HELIOS Hospital Berlin-Buch?
What does HELIOS Hospital Berlin-Buch offer patients?
How many specialists are there and what accreditation's have been awarded to HELIOS Hospital Berlin-Buch?