We provide Plastic , GIT , Hepatology , Oncology , Gynecology , Dentistry , Eye , Laser , Cosmology , sexology and dermatology Consultations
We have the best doctors in their specialities
We can serve cases anytime
New Cairo clinic, can be found in Al Wosta, Cairo, Egypt.
How many procedures are offered to patients at New Cairo clinic?
How is New Cairo clinic rated among MediJump customers?
What languages do staff speak at New Cairo clinic?
How many medical staff are there and what accreditation's do they have?
We provide Plastic , GIT , Hepatology , Oncology , Gynecology , Dentistry , Eye , Laser , Cosmology , sexology and dermatology Consultations
We have the best doctors in their specialities
We can serve cases anytime
New Cairo clinic, can be found in Al Wosta, Cairo, Egypt.
How many procedures are offered to patients at New Cairo clinic?
How is New Cairo clinic rated among MediJump customers?
What languages do staff speak at New Cairo clinic?
How many medical staff are there and what accreditation's do they have?
We provide Plastic , GIT , Hepatology , Oncology , Gynecology , Dentistry , Eye , Laser , Cosmology , sexology and dermatology Consultations
We have the best doctors in their specialities
We can serve cases anytime
New Cairo clinic, can be found in Al Wosta, Cairo, Egypt.
How many procedures are offered to patients at New Cairo clinic?
How is New Cairo clinic rated among MediJump customers?
What languages do staff speak at New Cairo clinic?
How many medical staff are there and what accreditation's do they have?