Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics in Poland | 2025 Prices
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Sport Klinika

MyMeditravel Zory, Poland
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sport Klinika
Sport Klinika
Sport Klinika
Sport Klinika
Sport Klinika
87 reviews

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Sport Klinika in Zory, Poland

Sport Klinika They provide comprehensive treatment - from diagnosis to rehabilitation, and are focused on comprehensive treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries in children and adults, with particular emphasis on sports...more
MyMeditravel Marcin Pękalski, 22 September 2020
Świetna placówka - polecam. Kontuzja wreszcie wyleczona.
English Polish
Hotel booking Hotel booking Local transportation booking Local transportation booking Phone in the room Phone in the room TV in the room TV in the room
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Carolina Medical Center

MyMeditravel Warsaw, Poland
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Carolina Medical Center
Carolina Medical Center
Carolina Medical Center
Carolina Medical Center
Carolina Medical Center
134 reviews

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Carolina Medical Center in Warsaw, Poland

The Carolina Medical Center was established in 1998 and is now one of the biggest and the most modern private orthopaedics and sports medicine hospitals, and is run by the LUX MED Group, a part of Bupa – a leading international ...more
MyMeditravel Marcin Borys, 16 September 2020
Ogólnie na plus. W tygodniu jest raczej pusto. Ewentualny chaos spowodowany jest przez pacjentów. Obsługa bardzo szybka, sprawna i pomocna. Jeżeli komuś nie pasują ceny (a nie ma leczenia w abon
English Polish
Airport pickup Airport pickup Free Wifi Free Wifi Interpreter services Interpreter services Laundry Laundry
ISO 9001:2008
ISO 9001:2008
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Centrum Rehabilitacji Rehasanka

MyMeditravel Warsaw, Poland
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Centrum Rehabilitacji Rehasanka
Centrum Rehabilitacji Rehasanka
Centrum Rehabilitacji Rehasanka
Centrum Rehabilitacji Rehasanka
Centrum Rehabilitacji Rehasanka

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Centrum Rehabilitacji Rehasanka in Warsaw, Poland

English Polish
Free Wifi Free Wifi Local transportation booking Local transportation booking Online doctor consultation Online doctor consultation Parking available Parking available
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American Heart of Poland

MyMeditravel Bielsko Biala, Poland
Price on request
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
American Heart of Poland
American Heart of Poland
American Heart of Poland
American Heart of Poland
American Heart of Poland

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at American Heart of Poland in Bielsko Biala, Poland

American Heart of Poland was established in 2000 and is part of a network of over 20 specialized departments of interventional cardiology, cardiac surgery and vascular surgery in Poland. All the departments have 24-hour on-call D...more
English Polish
Airport pickup Airport pickup Family accommodation Family accommodation Free Wifi Free Wifi Hotel booking Hotel booking
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KCM Dental & Aesthetic Clinic

MyMeditravel Jelenia Gora, Poland
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
KCM Dental & Aesthetic Clinic
KCM Dental & Aesthetic Clinic
KCM Dental & Aesthetic Clinic
KCM Dental & Aesthetic Clinic
KCM Dental & Aesthetic Clinic
137 reviews

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at KCM Dental & Aesthetic Clinic in Jelenia Gora, Poland

The KCM Dental & Aesthetic Clinic, part of The KCM Clinic, founded in 2006, is a multi-disciplinary hospital with 100+ staff and 6+ doctors. This private family owned hospital has always focused on medical tourism and sees tho...more
MyMeditravel Daniel Mamrol, 22 September 2020
Many thanks and expressions of respect to Dr. Marta for her full commitment and reliability.I underwent a complete reconstruction of the nose at the doctor's. Unfortunately, after two previously unsuc
Arabic English German Polish Russian
Family accommodation Family accommodation Free Wifi Free Wifi Hotel booking Hotel booking Local transportation booking Local transportation booking
ISO 9001:2008
ISO 9001:2008
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Ośrodek Medyczny OSTEOMED

MyMeditravel Krakow, Poland
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Ośrodek Medyczny OSTEOMED
Ośrodek Medyczny OSTEOMED
Ośrodek Medyczny OSTEOMED
Ośrodek Medyczny OSTEOMED
Ośrodek Medyczny OSTEOMED
28 reviews

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Ośrodek Medyczny OSTEOMED in Krakow, Poland

MyMeditravel Ewa Popiel, 10 September 2020
I heartily recommend the clinic. I go there to 3 doctors and I am very pleased with the care and service in registration!
English Polish
NIL - Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists
NIL - Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists
OIL - Okregowa Izba Lekarska
OIL - Okregowa Izba Lekarska
PTChPRiE - Polskie Towarzystwo Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Estetycznej
PTChPRiE - Polskie Towarzystwo Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Estetycznej
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Polish-Swiss Institute of Dental Rehabilitation

MyMeditravel Warsaw, Poland
Price on request
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Polish-Swiss Institute of Dental Rehabilitation
Polish-Swiss Institute of Dental Rehabilitation

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Polish-Swiss Institute of Dental Rehabilitation in Warsaw, Poland

Czech English German Hungarian Polish
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Dr. Oleg Ertuganow

MyMeditravel Warsaw, Poland
Price on request
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Dr. Oleg Ertuganow
Dr. Oleg Ertuganow
Dr. Oleg Ertuganow
Dr. Oleg Ertuganow
Dr. Oleg Ertuganow
13 reviews

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Dr. Oleg Ertuganow in Warsaw, Poland

This is a unique place where the best specialists await you. You can get advice, use surgery and aesthetic medicine, general medicine, and proctology. Experienced doctors and pleasant staff do their best to meet your requirements ...more
MyMeditravel Kris Lagerfield, 20 September 2020
Profesjonalista w każdym calu !!! Lekarz z prawdziwego powołania który jest fachowcem o wielkim sercu . Jest to jeden z lepszych fachowców w swojej dziedzinie !!
English French Polish Russian
NIL - Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists
NIL - Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists
OIL - Okregowa Izba Lekarska
OIL - Okregowa Izba Lekarska
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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation clinics in Poland
With MyMediTravel you can browse 8 facilities offering 8 different types of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation procedures in Poland.
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Our partner clinics in Poland are accredited by the following associations
JCI Accredited
ISO 9001:2008
ISO Certification - International Organization for Standardization
TÜV Rheinland - Technischer Überwachungsverein Rheinland
ESQH - European Society for Quality in Healthcare
ISQua - The International Society for Quality in Health Care
CHKS Healthcare Accreditation
The Leading Dental Centers of The World
Nobel Biocare Fellowship Program
Zimmer Biomet Dental Education Program
EVF - European Venous Forum
EFQM - European Foundation for Quality Management
IDA - International Dental Academy
ICA - International Chiropractors Association
MCA - McTimoney Chiropractic Association
UCA - United Chiropractic Association
ICS - International College of Surgeons
IACD - International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology
ISDS - International Society for Dermatologic Surgery
EBOPRAS - European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
IAAFA - International Academy of Advanced Facial Aesthetics
WALT - World Association for Laser Therapy
ISHRS - International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
AAHRS - Asian Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons
ESCAD - European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology
William Glasser Institute - Reality Therapy Certified
EAC - European Association for Counselling
IFSO - International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorde
TÜV SÜD - Technischer Überwachungsverein SÜD
TÜV NORD - Technischer Überwachungsverein NORD
BIOMET 3i Education Program
EURAPS - European Association of Plastic Surgeons
Center of Excellence in Bariatric Surgery
IAOMS - International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Treatment Abroad Code of Practice
IFFPSS - International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies
FIGO - International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
IFED - International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry
EOS - European Orthodontic Society
IBMS - International Board of Medicine and Surgery
EAFPS - European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
ESCD - European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry
ESCRS - European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons
NASS - North American Spine Society
ESHRE - European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
MPS - Medical Protection Society
European Journal of Ophthalmology
ISRS - International Society of Refractive Surgery
JCRS - Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Cornea Society
JPGM - Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
ESPRAS - European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
OSAPS - Oriental Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
RS - The Rhinoplasty Society
FRANZCOG - Fellow of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians a
IFOMPT - International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapist
WFO - World Federation of Orthodontists
ITI - International Team for Implantology
ICOI - International Congress of Oral Implantologists
Dentsply Friadent Implant Programme
IMTEC Sendax Mini Dental Implants Systems
IAO - International Association for Orthodontics
AAO - Asian Academy of Osseointegration
WAAAM - World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine
WOSIAM - World Society Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine
ESE - European Society of Endodontology
ECAMS - European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery
IABCLL - International Academy of Body Contouring and Laser Lipolysis
IAFGG - International Association of Facial Growth Guidance
IBCS - International Board of Cosmetic Surgery
IMDHA - International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association
EAO - European Association for Osseointegration
ISD - International Society of Dermatology
IFAD - International Federation of Aesthetic Dentistry
IBHRS - International Board of Hair Restoration Specialists
IAHRS - International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
EDA - European Dental Association
IASP - International Association for the Study of Pain
ADI - Academy of Dentistry International
EAPD - European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
EACMD - European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders
ESHRS - European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
ICD - International College of Dentists Fellowship
UIME - International Union of Aesthetic Medicine
APACS - Asian Pacific Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
McKenzie Institute International
ITEC - International Therapy Examination Council
ICA - International Cranial Association
I-ACT - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
CIBTAC - Confederation of International Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology
IFPA - International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists
ISBI - International Society for Burn Injuries
The Pankey Institute
PEFOTS - Pan European Federation of TCM Societies
URHP - Unified Register of Herbal Practitioners
AACD - Asian Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders
IMSA - The International Medical Spa Association
ACHSI - The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards International
CIDESCO - Comité International d'Esthétique et de Cosmétologie
ART - Active Release Techniques
ICPA - International Chiropractic Pediatric Association
CDA - Caribbean Dermatology Association
APAO - Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology
FICCDE - International College of Continuing Dental Education Fellowship
GMC - General Medical Council
ISA - International Sleep Academy
ISCG - International Society of Cosmetogynecology
EPA - European Prosthodontic Association
ABSI - Advanced Body Sculpting Institute
EACMFS - European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery
FILACP - Federación Ibero Latinoamericana de Cirugía Plástica
REDLARA - Rede Latino-americana de Reprodução Assistida
ALMER - Asociación Latinoamericana de Medicina Reproductiva
ICP - International College of Prosthodontists
EFP - European Federation of Periodontology
IADR - International Association for Dental Research
IODPT - International Organization for Dental Phobia Treatment
Academy of Operative Dentistry
The Dawson Academy
AAP - Asian Academy of Prosthodontics
AsianAOMS - Asian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
ISCD - International Society of Computerized Dentistry - Certified CEREC Trainer
SAAD - Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry
PFA - Pierre Fauchard Academy
ISCD - International Society of Computerized Dentistry
YDW - Young Dentists Worldwide
APAD - Asia Pacific Academy of Dentistry
ACDNA - Academy Of Computerized Dentistry Of North America
WSLO - World Society of Lingual Orthodontics
NIL - Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists
OIL - Okregowa Izba Lekarska
PSI - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Implantologiczne
PASE - Polska Akademia Stomatologii Estetycznej
PTChPRiE - Polskie Towarzystwo Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Estetyc
CMJ - Program Akredytacji Szpitali
PTS - Polskie Towarzystwo Stomatologiczne
ISO 9001 : 2015
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Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R), also called physiatry, is a medical specialty that aims to enhance and restore the functional ability to a person who has been disabled as a result of an injury, disease, or disorder. The main goal is to help patients become as functional and pain-free as possible, as well as to help them enjoy their lives as fully as possible.

A physician who has completed training in physiatry is known as a physiatrist. They will assess and assure that their patients are medically stable to participate in therapies. A variety of disorders and diseases can be managed by physiatrists, particularly conditions of the joints, muscles, bones, and central or peripheral nervous system that affect a person’s ability to function. However, many physiatrists also specialize. While physiatrists do not perform surgery, they are qualified to perform numerous diagnostic tests and treatments. Some of the most common procedures they can do are as follows:

  • Physical examinations
  • Imaging studies
  • Therapeutic exercise
  • Nerve conduction studies (NCS)
  • Electromyography (EMG)
  • Peripheral joint injections
  • Fluoroscopy guided procedures
  • Musculoskeletal ultrasound
  • Trigger point injections
  • Spasticity management
  • Interventional spinal therapeutics.

In some cases, physiatrists may also perform acupuncture, platelet-rich plasma injections, prolotherapy, and autologous stem cell treatments. They can also prescribe specific exercise programs, as well as assistive and adaptive equipment, such as prescribing proper orthoses. They are trained to lead and coordinate care with the rehabilitation team, including, but not limited to, physical therapy, recreational therapy, occupational therapy, internal medicine, and psychiatry. 

How Long Should I Stay in Poland?

Since the treatment plan is designed specifically for the individual needs of the patient, the length of stay in Poland can be different for each person. For some diseases and disorders, such as stroke and chronic pain, a two to four weeks stay may be needed. During your stay, you may need to see your physiatrist 5 to 6 days a week at most. 

What's the Expected Recovery Time?

There is usually no recovery time after you finish your treatment program, though you may be asked to gradually increase your activity level over time. However, this can be different depending on the condition, injury, disease, or disorder you have. Your physiatrist will give you a detailed recovery timeline, including when you can return to your normal routine.

What Aftercare is Required?

You will most likely be given specific instructions on how to care for yourself, speed up your recovery process, and avoid further complications. If you are given an exercise program to carry out at home, make sure to do this as directed. For some diseases or disorders, regular checkups may be needed. You can usually choose to do the checkups with your local doctor in your home country if you prefer.

What's the Success Rate?

Due to the comprehensive nature of their training and the broad spectrum of conditions treated, physiatrists can design and adapt to new technologies. This means that, with continuous research and advancement of physical medicine and rehabilitation, the treatment program is now safer and more successful than ever.

Are there Alternatives?

The alternatives to physical medicine and rehabilitation depend on your disorder, disease, or injury. In most cases, there is no other alternative than to see a physiatrist to help you recover. However, for some conditions, such as back pain, you may be able to see other medical professionals, such as chiropractors. Still, ensure you consult with your doctor beforehand.

This information has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, however, we strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor before pursuing medical procedures overseas.

Update: 13/01/2023