Various developmental, congenital, or some rare disorders such as acromegaly can cause enlarged mandibles, which can be corrected by Jawline Surgery. It is ideal for those with overly square or U-shaped jawline, overly manly jaw shape, bloated cheeks, and double chin. If you are considering V line surgery, you will need to be in a good state of physical and mental health.
Prior to the surgery, you will be examined by X-rays and 3D CT scans. Your surgeon will analyze and evaluate the overall structure of your jaw to create a plan to produce the desired result. You will also need to undergo medical tests such as ECGs to ensure that you don’t have a condition that may put you in danger or compromise the success of the surgery.
Surgery is performed under general anesthetic through tracheal intubation and leaves minimal scarring. You will need to fast for 8 hours before the surgery. Oscillating saws are used to reshape the jaw. The surgery can be performed inside the mouth (intraoral) or from outside the mouth (postauricular). The intraoral approach is the most widely used method. With this approach, an incision is made between the gum and the back of the cheek next to the jaw. Then, the jawline is carved out into their desired shape. A portion of the masseter muscle is shaved off, and the outer portion of the bone is chipped off. This approach is best for patients who aim to narrow their frontal view since the change is subtle and natural.
If the patient wants to change the appearance of the jaw angle from a side view, the overall contour of the bone will need to be changed. This means that the patient needs a full-thickness bone removal. Although it can be done through the intraoral approach, the surgeon’s view during this approach is very limited, which can decrease the precision of the procedure. Therefore, the best approach is from outside of the mouth or postauricular. To get direct access to the bone, the surgeon makes an incision hidden around the ear. This approach can remove a more substantial amount of bone. The recovery time using this approach is also much shorter than the intraoral approach since the swelling stays confined to the neck area.
The typical length of time for Jaw Shaping is usually around 2 hours. Nevertheless, you have to stay in the hospital for around one to two days for initial recovery where you will be monitored to make sure everything is fine. After being discharged, plan to stay in the Bang Na for 10 to 14 days or until the surgeon says you can go home. The stitches are generally removed within two weeks after surgery, though this may vary from patient to patient.
Immediately after the surgery, you will need to wear a facial mask that presses tightly against the skin around the jaw to keep the post-surgery swelling down. Also, you will not be allowed to eat foods that require chewing because it will delay the recovery and can cause bleeding. If you undergo the intraoral approach, your food intake will be limited for a considerable length of time. You may feel some swelling, numbness, and discomfort around the incision for several days, but the surgeon will prescribe medications to help with the pain.
The recovery period can be different for each individual; some people may be able to go back to their regular routines after seven to ten days, but others may need more time to fully recover. Avoid doing any vigorous activity that increases your blood pressure for several weeks, such as jogging and other exercises. Most of the visible signs, such as swelling and bruising, should disappear within a few weeks. Symptoms such as hematoma and infection are common, and will usually subside within three to six months post-surgery.
You must follow your surgeon aftercare instructions strictly to accelerate your recovery and minimalize possible complications. The instruction will likely include the following recommendations:
Jaw shaping surgery is a safe procedure when performed by a trained surgeon. Around 94% of patients express their satisfaction with this procedure. However, it is important to have realistic expectations. You should also be aware of the possible risks that this surgery may cause. These risks include infection, asymmetry, seroma, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and hematoma. Partial numbness of the jaw can also happen due to nerve damage.
If you wish to reshape your jaw but do not want to undergo surgery, there are non-invasive options available. The most popular alternatives are Botox and Dysport, which can effectively contour the jaw by relaxing the appearance of a square jaw. This procedure shrinks the masseter muscle by weakening it. These injectable can also be used to correct facial asymmetry around the jawline area. Since they are non-invasive, you can return to your daily activates right away and they offer a subtler shift in your appearance. However, these techniques are limited to cases in which the masseter is enlarged and may not work as well as V Line Surgery.
This information has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, however, we strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor before pursuing medical procedures overseas.