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A number of techniques are available for a breast lift. They differ in the location of incisions. The one suitable for you is chosen according to the condition of your breasts. The procedure begins with making you lay in the supine position. You are anesthetized, so that you may not suffer from pain during the surgery. After this, an incision is given around your areola descending down towards the crease where it runs horizontally. Stitches are given inside the breasts to suspend them. Excess tissue is removed. Sometimes, the size of your areola is decreased and nipples are shifted to a higher position. In most cases, the nipple-areola complex (NAC) is preserved to prevent damage to your lactational ability. After your surgeon removes exess skin, tissue, and fat, they put back the skin flap to its place and stitch the incision.
After the surgery, a bandage is applied over the operated area. You are then given a surgical bra to wear. Small tubes are placed near your incisions to drain any fluid or blood. These tubes are removed after several days.
Breast lift is a 2 to 3-hour procedure, after which you are moved from the operation theatre to a private recovery room. You are monitored for a few hours, and if everything goes fine you can go home on the same day, assuming no other surgeries were performed at the same time.
After being discharged from the hospital, you have to come for check-ups on a regular basis to ensure that nothing goes wrong. You should remain in Boulevard Mohamed Bouazizi for at least 7-10 days after the surgery. In this period, your incisions heal and stitches are removed. You can leave when told by your doctor.
Plan to take 2 to 3 weeks off work for your breast lift surgery. There will be pain and swelling in the operated area and your breasts will appear swollen for almost 2 weeks. There will be redness and pain around your incisions. Your areola and nipple are likely to be numb for a few days.
In the early days, painkillers are given to help you with pain. You might have to wear surgical bras for 2 to 3 weeks, after which, you can wear regular bras. No underwire bras should be worn for at least 6 weeks.
Following points should be kept in mind to take care of yourself after being discharged from the hospital:
According to a survey, 80% of women are satisfied by breast lift surgery. Their bust is restored, and sagginess disappeared. Most people experience long-lasting results, while others might need minor revisions after a few years.
For an in-depth analysis of the Breast Lift procedure with before and after images, watch this short video.
This information has been accurately sourced and verified by a medical professional for its accuracy, however, we strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor before pursuing medical procedures overseas.